Kolten Brown | WDD 130

Hello, my name is Kolten Brown

Hello! My name is Kolten Brown and I am from Ririe, Idaho. I grew up with decent size family consiting of two brother and three sisters. I am the second oldest out of them with an older brother and everyone else younger than me. We enjoy spending time together and often do big events such as horse riding up in the mountains, or going to see national parks. I love motorbiking and gaming. Some of the games I enjoy playing are the dark Souls series. I like the challange they provide me. When I am not gaming I can be found motorbiking up past the Kelly Canyon Ski Resort. There are a lot of single tracks trails you can ride on inthat area. Some other things about me are that I have been married for a little over a year to my beautiful wife and couldn't be happier. We were married and sealed in the Idaho Falls Idaho temple last September. We plan on traveling to Europe after I finish my schoolong if not maybe sooner. My major is in computer science and I am really new to it. I am excited to learn coding and how that all works. My goal is to creat my own idependent video game with the knowledge I learn from school. I look foward to learning web fundamentals!